

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Last Prophet

In the eyes of a storm, I was born in darkness.
My soul mate, twin brother, still born, made me heartless.
Out of the heavens, his spirit lives in the wind, touching my soul, making me the prophet.
I listen for his voice in the breeze, feel his touch through the rain.
Live his life in my dreams, ease my sorrows, give him my pains.
For I see visions, that can't be explained.
My quest is a journey with reason, I exist in this way.
A stubborn attitude directs my stride.
With over whelming passion that refuses to hide.
Adam evolved from dust to become man.
As I shall transform from slave to King, God's perpetual plan.
The windows of my soul display truth.With a transparent essence, that becomes a part of you.
In the hour of lost souls, lost hope, when the dying are helpless.
I appear as a mortal, the vessel, to answer all of life's questions.
Through my existence, many will see fate is unstoppable.
But the chosen will witness, through God, all things are possible.


  1. There are no more prophets. Why so sad? You have to stop fighting it and let God renew your spirit,and remove all of the sadness and hurt. 8.2
